By: Virginia Iversen, M.Ed
Ayurvedic system of health and healing began to be systematically compiled
approximately 5,000 years ago in Northern India. It is considered to be the
sister science to the practice of Yoga. When Ayurvedic techniques and
recommendations are combined with a consistent practice of Yoga asanas,
pranayama exercises and meditation, a Yoga practitioner is greatly supported in
creating and maintaining a state of vibrant good health and well-being.
to Ayurvedic guidelines, spring is a great time to cleanse the entire body of
toxins that may have accumulated throughout the winter months. Often, we eat
heavy, more tamasic foods during the wintertime. Come spring, we may find that
we have even put on a few extra pounds! This is especially true for those of us
who are predominantly Kapha in nature. The term “Kapha” refers to one of the
three doshas or body/mind constellations according to Ayurveda. The other two
doshas are Pitta, which is imbued by the fire element, and Vata, which is ruled
by the air element.
When a
Kapha individual is balanced, he or she is steady, strong, peaceful, loyal and
serene. When a Kapha dosha individual is out-of-balance, he or she may
experience lethergy, procrastination, excess weight and even depression. As new
life begins to bloom around us, very naturally we want to cleanse our homes,
wardrobes and bodies. The softness of the air and the increasing light
support us in releasing heavier thoughts, ways of being and dietary habits. In
addition to a spring detoxification diet, daily exercise out in the sunshine,
engaging in new experiences and rising with the sun will all support a Kapha in
feeling light, energized, strong, and healthy.
physicians recommend that all doshas reduce the consumption of ama-producing or
stagnating and toxic foods throughout the year, especially during a spring
detox diet. Examples of ama-producing foods are meat, processed food and fast
food. The recommended diets for Kaphas during a spring detox diet are
bean-based soups, leafy and bitter greens, steamed vegetables and easily
digested whole grains.
© Copyright 2013 – Virginia Iversen / Aura Wellness Center – Publications Division
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